Orchestra of St. Luke’s Education & Community programs strive to create community, strengthen collaborative and leadership skills, instill self-confidence, spark curiosity, and bring joy. OSL is committed to making high-quality instrumental music programs and interactions with world-class OSL musicians easily accessible, regardless of financial resources or musical ability.
Youth Orchestra of St. Luke's (YOSL)
Youth Orchestra of St. Luke’s (YOSL) is an after-school instrumental program serving New York City’s Hell Kitchen community. YOSL has two main components to its programming; the after-school instrumental group classes and ensembles. Throughout the year, students will participate in community performances, creative projects, and program-wide concerts.
Chamber Music Mentorship Program
OSL’s Chamber Music Mentorship Program supports the professional development of advanced, graduate-level orchestral musicians passionate about chamber music and community engagement through workshops and coachings led by OSL musicians.
DeGaetano Composition Institute
Named for the late composer Robert DeGaetano, the DeGaetano Composition Institute supports the development of emerging composers and new works for chamber orchestra.
Free School Concerts
OSL invites New York City’s public school students to outstanding classical music performances designed especially for young people. These OSL concerts are presented free of charge and reach more than 10,000 children annually. For many, it is their first live orchestral experience.
NYC Five Borough Tour
Each season, OSL travels to all five New York City boroughs introducing classical music to new audiences. Presented free of charge, the Five Borough Tour represents OSL’s longstanding commitment to offering accessible performances to the New York City community.