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Virtual Streicker: Orchestra of St. Luke’s on Bach

 Thursday, June 11, 2020  6:00pm  Online - OSLmusic.org/Bach


Part of: Bach at Home 2020

Special Live Stream Event

Presented online in partnership by Streicker Center of Temple Emanu-El

OSL Principal Conductor Bernard Labadie leads an in-depth discussion of Bach’s genius, interspersed with performances by members of OSL, and hosted by James Roe, OSL Executive Director.

Violin and Keyboard Sonata No. 3, BWV 1016: Selection
Jesse Mills, violin
Rieko Aizawa, piano

Violin Sonata No. 1, BWV 1001: Adagio
Katarzyna Bryla-Weiss, viola


Johann Sebastian Bach

Violin and Keyboard Sonata No. 3, BWV 1016: Selection

Johann Sebastian Bach

Violin Sonata No. 1, BWV 1001: Adagio


Bernard Labadie

Jesse Mills

Katarzyna Bryla-Weiss